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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Featured Game: Petpet Cannonball

It is now 7.46am and today's featured game is Petpet Cannonball. I give it a rating of 5.5/10.
I hired my personal photographer to take some pictures of me playing the game. If you look to the left, you'll see some of them! They have a

Petpet Cannonball:
Arrr, the pirates of Krawk Island were about to do a bit o'cannon-training, but some scoundrel's stolen all their cannonballs. Not put off by this, old Captain Pucebeard has ordered his men to use anything roughly the same size and shape as an alternative.

DISCLAIMER : NO PETPETS WERE HURT IN THE MAKING OF THIS GAME (well just one, but that was an accident...)
To play Petpet Cannonball you need to use the arrow keys to change the angle, and the Space Bar to fire. The longer you hold down the space bar, the further the Petpet will fly. Get the Petpet in the bucket to score points!

My thoughts: It's kinda hard D: Needa find your aim, how high you wanna be and also the strength. All this also depends on the weight of the petpet. Challenge-wise, I think that it's probably 7/10. According to Neopets, they say it's 4.1 over ??? Well but it earned me a good score of 92 which gave me 242 neopoints :) Oh well.. 7am, I'm tired... So I'm probably going back to sleep. See ya again in about 11 hours which will be 6pm

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