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Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Fabulous Inventory

Hey darling pets, I'm back!

Today I was browsing through my inventory. Strangely this was the first time I noticed that I had loads of things in my inventory. Much much more than other pets.
Would you like to hear about my fabulous collections in my inventory? I bet you would! So, read on to find out how I got my fabulous treasures in my fabulous collection! I know, I'm exaggerating here, but that's the only way to convince you guys that I have loads of things with me and I am a millionaire! Just kidding, y'all!

Look at my wide and spacious and ginormous inventory with lots of stuff:

So, what do you think? I got most of my things here from the Money Tree. And I'm going there to collect more treasures for my stuff! I only collect nice things. I don't collect those dirty shoes and whatever rotten slippers blah blah stuff.
Oh, gotta go collect now! If I don't hurry, then the ghosts will steal all the donations!

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