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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Faerie Bubbles Guide

Faerie Bubbles: Faerie Bubbles is a pretty challenging game, even though it’s concept seems simple enough. Put three or more of the same type of bubbles together to make them disappear. This game is quite cool as you can get an avatar from it when you reach two thousand points. I am sad to say that I do not have this avatar yet. :(

For the Game in general: Anyway, you should your very, very best NOT to use the bad faerie combos because it can lead to anger and frustration. The air faerie combo is my least favorite, filling the screen with bubbles up to where the air bubbles went. For instance, if you shot four air bubbles in a diagonal line downwards, you will get four FULL lines of random bubbles. Ugh! For the dark combo, which is the least harmful of the bad combos, it makes random bubbles appear in the places of the dark ones and they do not drop off the screen. The earth combo is pretty bad too. I think it produces one or two extra lines.

The good ones you should try to get, although in one level, there is a screen filled with air bubbles, and you would think… NOOO!! I don’t want to shoot it and make the combo!! But, you really do. See, when the entire row is made of air bubbles and you shoot it, it makes new bubbles UNDERNEATH the others, so when the air bubbles fall, so do the others underneath! It’s a pretty good point grabber. The fire one is good and will burn one bubble to the sides top or bottom of each one. The water bubbles, however, are resistant to this, so if you are trying to destroy those, you’re out of luck. Speaking of the water ones, their combo destroys all water bubbles in the screen, although I don’t really find it very helpful. The last one, the light combo, changes the color of the bubbles touching it. You should be careful with this one, because for instance if you had a row of light bubbles and a row of fire bubbles, and you shoot the light bubbles, they may change all of those water bubbles into dark bubbles, and then you would have no choice but to shoot them and make the combo. Some helpful things to type in: It can get pretty hard and we always need something to bail us out. Thankfully, there are some words you can type in to help.

Here they are with their meanings:
*faerieland- produces a rainbow bubble, which, once shot from the cannon, changes to whatever color bubble it hits first.
*stardust- makes the front bubble turn into a nova bubble, which pops some of the bubbles around where you aim it. *slumberberry- clears the block that is moving your bubbles down towards the fault line.
*bubbles- makes all of the bubbles on the screen turn one color. (I find this very helpful after using a bad combo, except for the catch. The catch is that you can’t use it except for once every around five levels, and I’ve found some of these don’t work in the higher levels, but maybe that’s because I use them in the early ones, but who knows.)

Extra Strategic Advice: Generally if there is 2 dark bubbles, but the one in your cannon is a light one, but you can see that the next one is dark, you should try to shoot the light one so that it cannot stay after the dark ones fall.

This is a strategy I find very helpful when the block starts moving faster. Another is that you should use the "bubbles" one on the title page where it says "Faerie Bubbles" before you click play. Then, when you press the left or right keys, it changes all to one color. Keep on doing it until they all become air bubbles, then use the "faerieland" one to make an air bubble. Then you end up with about 281 points for just the first level! Ta da! :)

Credits: Neopetsforever.com( evil_ickle_firstie)

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